Bill Starks

Bill Starks, Patty Reese, others @ Hamilton DC – May 12

Saturday, May 12th, Dream Discs Presents:
The Best of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix
Performances By:
Patty Reese, Jonathan Sloane, Kelly Bell, Mama Moon, Tommy Lepson, Mary Shaver, Jeff Hall, Kristie DiLascio, Scott Ambush, Chuck Underwood, Michael Andre Aubin, Deren Blessman, Robbie Cooper, Andy Hamburger, Sonny Petrosky, Dan Hovey, Vince McCool, Wayne Sulc, Bill Starks & Wes Lanich
The Hamilton Live
600 14th St. NW
Washington, DC
Tickets: $18.50 – $39.50
8 pm