Little Red has been performing around Washington, DC since the dark days of the Reagan years. He’s played accordion and piano in the eclectic mix that is the DMV (District, Maryland, Virginia) music scene. Styles as diverse as Blues, Zydeco, Haitian Compas, R&B, Country, Gospel, Latin, Jazz and Carnival flavors from all over the world have been blended and filtered into Renegades’ sound. The music is a party, best served with good friends, food and drink. C’est la vie, you never can tell!

Haywire – Are you going to play that machine all night?

Fruits and Vegetables – We all need them and we’re all better off if we eat them. Now you can dance to them, as well.

East River Drive – Piano driving music, Parts of New York City are beyond words.

Prednisone – Remember recreational drugs?

G Baby – She’s special, we don’t have to say anything more.

Brand New Pope – You’re sure he wasn’t the bouncer at the Gentry? Good song, great Pope.

Toussaintism – We miss you Allen.

Little Pepe – Rockin’ Zydeco for an old friend.

Mississippi – Some days are worse than others.

One Way Out – The blues classic, and the truth.

Long Time Together – We’ll keep rocking’ right up to the end.

Justified – A Bill Withers gem that needs to be heard again.

Goin’ to New York – We can take the train, we can take the Bolt, we could drive my car, but we’re going to New York.

All songs were written by Little Red, except for Mississippi (Harry Rado), One Way Out (Sehorn, James, Williamson) and Justified (Withers).

Band members: Little Red (Tom Corradino), Accordion, Piano, Guitar – Carol Arthur, Zydecaribbean Steel Pans, Piano – Jon Danforth, Drums – Dave Petersen, Bass – Allen Rado and Harry Rado, Guitars – just about everybody sings (but mainly Little Red)